wire for his job. Another option you have is to rely on sweet gum seed They won’t take the chance of the animal being real. This prevents the rabbits from getting under the cage and tipping it over. Two options: Put some netting around your hostas. It’s understandable that you’ll have a lot of questions when it comes to keeping the rabbits away from your hostas. Or you can get a barrier to prevent these animals from coming close to your hostas plants in the first place. I did notice that the rabbits tended to go for the hosta’s stems and new shoots over other parts of the plant. wire 3 " deep- around bed area- half as hi as hostas-bend edges outward-helps with bunnies, a bit also. This is why motion-activated sprinklers are so nice. There are organic and commercial options available, but you can also DIY your own formulas with things you have laying around your home and kitchen. Can Pet Rats Eat Dog Food? Certain smells make rabbits turn their noses up. Make sure you double-check the label before you use it if you’re not 100% sure. They’ll eat the edges of the leaves until they look tattered, and they may even eat the leaves until there’s nothing left. shades, it’s no wonder that wild rabbits with a big appetite would gravitate Just remember you put them there so you don’t accidentally scare yourself when you step on them. Go out and buy metal mesh fencing that is at least three or four feet high. Touch sweet gum seed pods These are what will support the fence and keep it upright. Read answers: Answer by Megg douse the leaves in hot sauce. petsial.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. 3. (What Should I Do?). Surely, you will understand to know that having such creatures who can destroy it is utterly devastating. Deer repellents are safe to use and will not kill your hostas. Luckily for us, they can’t tell the difference between a fake animal and a real one. Like with the garlic salt, when it rains or you water By fencing your yard, growing garlic, What Sounds Do They Make? an especially big jackpot to a hungry bunny. Did you know that hostas are poisonous to cats and dogs? These measures will discourage rabbits but may not totally prevent them from eating your hostas. rabbits from trying to eat your plants. Luckily, it’s easy enough to keep wild rabbits out of Question by autumn033171: How do I keep rabbits from eating my Hostas? from doing this? Any ideas, suggestion, and queries are welcome. This way, a rabbit can’t dig their way in from under. You can make them from chicken wire and mesh, or they come premade and ready to go out of a thicker-gauge wire. I spray at the end of the day when I know for sure I'm done for the night. Bury chkn. One of the most practical routes you can take is to erect physical barriers around your plants to try and keep the rabbits out. But the very thing that appeals to humans about hostas also appeals to deer. You’ll have to get a nuisance wild animal control permit, or you’ll have to wait until rabbit season officially opens. How canI keep rabbits from eating my tulips and hosta? poignant enough, rabbits will go to someone else’s garden for a snack. These can protect growing hosta seedlings. They do not like the taste of hot peppers and will avoid the area. They hate the smell. Soon, the plants Keeping your hostas growing well will help them recover from rabbit damage. If they do, your hostas are in even bigger danger. They love to do the bite a leaf off and leave it lay trick! 1. have holes and chunks missing from a hungry bunny. A few options include: Finally, you can make a taste and scent deterrent in your home using things you have in your kitchen. Does cutting away foliage keep rabbits away? If you cut away foliage, clean up your yard, and remove these natural hiding places, the rabbits will be more prone to stay away. The plant is edible to us people, too, but not animals like These perennials are popular with many homeowners, since they require minimal care. To prevent rabbits from eating your hostas, try the following methods: Install fencing along your garden’s perimeter that rabbits can’t climb over or under; Grow wormwood and garlic, since the smells of both plants upset rabbits; Add sweet gum seed pods near your hosta seeds, as … Another concern is your pets. I just popped the bottom portion off and set the wire cage directly over the plants. ... You can either use chicken wiring to protect your plants or try sprinkling soap shavings around them to keep the rabbits from nibbling ( just remember to replace the shavings after it rains … [Don’t Make This Mistake, Sudden Rabbit Death Syndrome 13 Signs and Symptoms to Watch For, Why Are My Rabbits Fighting All of a Sudden. Replace the lid on the spray bottle and shake it gently. Hostas contain toxins called saponins, and this is what attacks your dog or cat’s system when they ingest the hostas. This experience gives me the right to say that if there are signs of insect damage, you must act rigidly without any hesitation. Since rabbits are skittish animals, they like to know they have places to hide instead of wide-open areas. Rabbits enjoy eating vegetation of all kinds, including garden vegetables, flowers and herbs. Some of the organic and homemade deterrents are safe to spray directly on the flowers, stems, and leaves of your hosta plant. Don’t Make The Mistake, Can You Use Human Nail Clippers on Rabbits? 529 views ... Repel Ants That Keep Insects Off Of Hosta Plants. Let us know. This device emits a high-frequency sound when it goes on that humans can’t hear. A lot of these devices work up to 12 meters away from your hostas, so this gives them a wide berth, and you’ll need an AC power adaptor. As a result, we have big, beautiful hostas every year. Yes. This will act like a deterrent, and set the fence a foot or so away from your hostas so the rabbits can’t reach through the fence to get it. You can form it into a cylinder, but it also works well strung around a wooden frame. So, they’re not safe to have around your pets, but even young rabbits can eat them without experiencing any problems. When you’re fighting an ongoing battle with the rabbits over your hosta plants, you realize that you’ll try just about everything to deter them. Spray the mixture on and around your hosta plants to keep deer and rabbits at bay. They can also be very loud, and loud noises will scare rabbits away as soon as they hear them. It’s easy to let brush pile up, leaves blow around, or weeds to get out of control, but these are all areas for rabbits to hide, eat, and make themselves at home. One plant that does work well is Artemisia (wormwood). Do squirrels eat hosta leaves? need to reapply the garlic salt. Why is My Rabbit Carrying Straw in His Mouth? Once you trap the rabbits, you have 24 hours to euthanize them or take them to another location and let them go. This has worked wonders for me! }, Posing a safety or healthy threat to people or pets, Threatening to cause or causing property damage. Rabbits can’t fit through the holes, nor can they climb over Tutorial : How to Keep Rabbits from Eating Hostas. So, take a weekend or an hour or two every day and go out and tidy up the yard. Many people think that garlic is a good rabbit repellent. try the following methods: If you want more information on the above five tips, then It may be if you crush it up, but it’s mostly the oil that rabbits don’t like because it’s strong. What the rabbit damage to your hostas looks like depends on the severity of the rabbit infestation. safeguard your hostas. For a faster option that works in a pinch, garlic salt If you notice that the smell isn’t as potent when you spray it, you can either add more ingredients or completely remake it. Why is My Rabbit Peeing in His Food Bowl? Toss Some Sweet Gum Seed Pods with Your This is a prime spot for them to make a den, settle down, and have baby rabbits. You might choose chicken Maybe you have an outdoor cat who likes to prowl through the plants and hang out on your porch. If you want to keep bunnies from eating your hostas, there are many strategies to use which include using the various bunny repellents that will consist of planting rabbit repellent plants near them, using repellents such as garlic or cayenne powder or sprays or fencing the area where you have planted you’re your plantain lilies. Insects are a severe threat to hostas. hostas, you may go out one day and heartbreakingly realize that your plants How to keep rabbits out of the garden. I decided that I was going to put a stop to it, so I started experimenting and seeing which avenues worked best to keep the rabbits out, and I want to share my tips with you. you can finally grow your hostas without rabbits snacking on them. Probably slugs. Once they learn that the fence equals a shock, they’ll start staying away and looking for food elsewhere. However, a rabbit can eat a hosta so severely in a few short hours that it kills the plant. Kate, yes, blood meal sprinkled on your garden can help keep rabbits away. Do Pet Rats Like to Burrow? Even though you may miss some of the leaves on larger plants, the odor will repel the rabbits and stop them from eating your hostas. pods. If you have any pointy sticks or branches, such as You can get hoop frames and string the wire mesh over it to stop rabbits from getting to your hostas. It is good for the soil. even die. If you have new hostas coming up, they can eat the new shoots right down to the ground. Since rabbits like to dig, be prepared to bury the bottom of your fence at least six inches down into the ground. They don’t like eggs, garlic, tea tree oil, citrus oils, or tabasco or peppers, and vinegar. If you see signs of feeding damage to your hostas, identifying the culprit is the first step toward preventing damage. carefully, as the spikes might hurt your fingers. Garlic Plants. When you keep these simple tips in mind, you can enjoy a garden that is rabbit free. - Irish spring soap can repel rabbits: Chop it up and hang in bags around the perimeter of the garden. Plantain lilies or hostas are a type of plant with You may want to bury it a few inches in the ground so they don’t dig under it. Can you spray deterrents directly on your hostas to keep rabbits away? In areas where people and deer must coincide, hostas are often sought out by deer as browse. Read on…. Even just a slight difference of about one and a half feet will prevent the rabbits from eating your plants. Rabbits don’t like these notes, and they’ll generally avoid an area with them in it. It depends. Another nice thing about these motion-activated sprinklers is that they can emit a low noise when they go on, and the water itself creates noise. However, it’s generally ineffective when it comes to protecting your plants, even if you put right on top of the leaves. horses, cats, and dogs. for good. Keep the weeds pulled, the grass mowed, and the bushes or shrubbery neat. I have a bunny that is living under my Grand Master hosta, and everytime I go outside he hops out and just hangs out with me. evergreen holly, you can use these in lieu of sweet gum seed pods. Typical netting stands no chance against rabbits, so you could opt for a fine mesh that is bendable and flexible while still being durable enough to withstand a rabbit attack. Less harmful include mealybugs, b… They both have very strong scents that can be off putting, and they can last for months. To prevent rabbits from eating your hostas, I use the small lemon bags from the store, but old pantyhose work well too. Moreover, how do I keep animals from eating my hostas? Plant cages are circular wire structures that stand between three and four feet tall. Are Pet Rats Loud? You’re probably The very first thing you want to do is clean up your yard or garden area. They also seem to be very fond of flower scapes. Scatter hair clippings. Yes and no. their notoriously sensitive stomachs. This will remove a lot of the temptation for the rabbits to stick around. diarrhea and vomiting. During times of drought or food shortages, they may invade and eat … Warning. Do you have ideas to stop the deer from damaging your hostas and other plants in the … 7 Natural Ways to Repel Rabbits from Your Garden. gum seed pods so they surround the hostas completely. This is an option if you don’t have dogs or cats in your home because it can negatively impact them too. This shouldn’t hurt any of your plants, by the way, so sprinkle away! Some repellents work better after you let them sit for a month. Whether one method works or you have to combine a few, especially your hostas, and let these plants blossom. It can be quite cumbersome to sift through the seemingly endless amount of rabbit deterrents on the market. You grow new ones and the same thing happens all over again. See our article that tells of other uses for Epsom salts, How to Grow Hostas Indoors (and Not Kill Them), Using Epsom Salt for Hostas: {Is It Good or Bad? What Are Good Best Famous, Unusual Unique Funny Cute Rabbit Names? you have wild rabbits eating your hostas. These devices usually have a very low profile that allows you to sick them into the dirt right near your plants. However, you can set the charge on the fence low enough that it scares the rabbit when they accidentally brush against it. I have fought insects many times, and in most cases, the results have been successful. When the smells become This includes the hosta stem, leaves, flowers, and roots. again. Fake owls are another great option. Secondly, apply some rabbit repellant. I picked out the biggest ones I noticed that people asked most frequently and answered them for you below all in one spot. How to Use Hot Pepper to Get Rid of Rabbits in a Garden. Not only will they eat While rabbits are cute to look at, especially as babies, they can really damage both your vegetable and flower gardens. Like with garlic plants, the odor of garlic salt will One drawback is that dogs like it and may dig at the blood meal. This leaves ragged, shredded edges because of the distinctive pattern of a deer's teeth. Can Pet Rabbits Survive in The Wild? Since we started using Deer Off®, the deer and rabbits stay away from our hostas. If it is rabbits, and not deer, eating your hostas, try sprinkling garlic powder on the leaves. They’re unobtrusive, won’t create and eye-sore, and they have very low maintenance requirements. Those same spikes will keep baby powder, it ruins the eating experience for the bunnies. If you’re curious, take a look at my guide. How to Get Rid of Ants Eating Hostas . You can form it into a cylinder, but it also works well strung around a wooden frame. Most rabbits don’t like getting wet, and they’ll run when they get a surprise spray from the sprinkler system. Today we will be teaching you how to keep rabbits away from the garden! It didn’t matter what type of style hosta they were. Some run on batteries. This works just as well to repel Are Hostas Poisonous to Humans, Pets and Rabbits. Yes, rabbits can and do eat hosta plants. You’ll want to string the mesh around the sides and over the top of the frame so rabbits can’t jump in. These methods are all humane, too, so Keep following any of the above ways to stop the deer from entering your garden and damaging your hostas and other plants. When the rabbits came through, they ate all of them. The reason you don’t catch the wild rabbits in the act The only thing with these deterrents is that you will have to periodically reapply them. I keep them in plastic pots and smear the outside with vaseline. However, what works well for some people may not work so well for others. Consider adding ground staples to prevent burrowing, and make sure your doorway is flush to the fence. In fact, the plant is called giboshi in Japan. As a type of plant, hostas will undoubtedly appeal to If your garden features How often should you replace your homemade rabbit repellent? Growing Hostas. Buy sturdy metal or wooden posts and place them around your hosta patch. Hostas are a member of the lily family grown primarily for their striking foliage. Although rabbits don’t jump they do dig, so block that pathway by burying the lowest 3-6 inches fencing underground and angle it away from the plants. Since the Department of Natural Resources classifies rabbits as a nuisance species, you’re legally allowed to trap them on your property without a permit as long as the rabbits are: If the rabbits don’t meet the requirements above, you will need a permit to shoot or trap them. What To Avoid? Do Pet Rats Need Vaccines? Ideally, your fencing will be around five feet high because you’re going to bury some of it into the ground. Place some of this mixture into a clean spray bottle and add 10 times as much water. I know some people claim that they only like certain types, but I experimented by planting a large variety. Use chicken wire or “rabbit wire” that has smaller openings near the ground. The best way to keep rabbits from eating garden plants is with a combination of exclusion, deterrence and distraction. Newer hostas are more vulnerable than established ones. They come stationary and motion-activated, and some will make noises to seem more lifelike when something triggers the motion sensor. you’ve come to the right place. Wormwood can have a very rich and floral scent, but it has sharp bitter notes that you smell and taste. You may even want to set one right in the middle on a stump. As a general rule, rabbits are skittish animals that won’t stick around if there are predators in the area. However, sometimes I was defeated. then maybe you have baby powder instead. If given the chance, rabbits will eat your hosta down to the root, and this is usually when you have to start over with new plants because it’s too damaged to survive and come back. the chicken wire since it’s so flimsy. When a rabbit comes by them, they’ll trip the motion sensors and switch on the sprinklers. there’s no need to worry about the health of the wild rabbits. You’ll find rabbits all over the United States, and they’re a pest species that can quickly take over your flower beds or vegetable patches. If you choose to use the wooden frame route, make sure you measure the area around your hostas. You will have to reapply this quite frequently because it doesn’t have the drying or sticking agents the organic or commercial formulas do. With their oversized green leaves in a variety of They’re nice because you can set them and let them run on their own. Korea, Japan, and China. You set them directly over your hosta and use four spikes to hold the cage to the ground. Sometimes, you can put a little human or pet hair around your hostas to act like a deterrent because the scents cling to them. Prevention is vital. Smells That Repel Rabbits You can buy decoy owls and set them up over your hostas. How can you ward off rabbits However, they taste terrible and has an unpleasant smell. The sunlight and water fell through the slats, but the wire was thick enough to withstand rabbit bites. Tag: How to Keep Rabbits from Eating Hostas How to Keep Rabbits from Eating Hostas As a type of plant, hostas will undoubtedly appeal to wild rabbits and even curious domestic ones playing outside. your garden and away from your hostas. Unlike rabbits and rodents, which nibble at hostas and leave clean 45-degree-angle cuts, deer pull on plants and twist them as they eat. You can get hoop frames and string the wire mesh over it to stop rabbits from getting to your hostas. show more show less . Wormwood is one of them, and garlic’s another. I know I was extremely frustrated when I’d wake up in the morning, go outside, and see my hostas eaten to the ground. This can be wildly frustrating in the spring when you see all of these new plants springing up and the rabbits eat them to the ground. If they only have a small window of time to eat the plants, they may not devastate them. The voles keep eating the roots. less effort than the others, it’s not a one-and-done solution. They only forage in extremely frustrating. If you only have a few hostas to protect, you can get away with using plant cages. They can damage the plant so severely that the hosta may die. culprits, then try these five means of getting rid of the bunnies humanely but Don’t drown your garden Rabbits suddenly have been eating my hostas too. While this may not be the most esthetically pleasing, it will deter them. You can get a few and line the perimeter around your hostas with them. They will eat any part of the plant if they get hungry enough, but they tend to go after new growth first. Install physical barriers to make your hosta plants inaccessible to rabbits and deer. https://www.wikihow.com/Keep-Rabbits-out-of-Your-Garden-Organically They will thus the hostas, but the animals might move on to other plants in your garden as The bright spot is that rabbit eating might be short lived,. Do make sure you reinforce the underside have any wild rabbit vacating your yard ASAP. your garden, you notice holes or chunks in your hosta leaves. sprouting flowers. Anytime you go outside to tend to This is the time of the year that they are most active. (or Under). Abdominal pain, abnormal heartbeat, bloating, depression, diarrhea, distress, fatigue, intestinal twisting, loss of appetite, vomiting. Hostas aren’t poisonous to rabbits because their systems don’t react to the saponins in the hosta plant like a dog or cat’s system does. I think it's because the heat is killing everything else off. Strawflowers have a stiff and papery feel that rabbits avoid, and snapdragons can be toxic to rabbits if they eat it. 2. minimal daylight, like early in the morning or at night. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can be unpleasant for you when you first apply them. They grow in parts of the world like the Russian Far East, Construct a … I've been looking into ways to get rid of them, and we'll definitely be trying them in the next couple of weeks. The Importance. If you by chance don’t have any garlic salt handy, Get chicken wire and staple it along the bottom of these areas to create a barrier where the rabbits can’t go through. If you believe wild rabbits are your main hosta-eating However, some commercial-grade or organic ones with botanical oils can burn the leaves. Reapply if the plants are watered or rained on. And we've discovered that they are all quite fond of our hosta garden. Dogs tend to leave their scents all over the yards, and rabbits don’t like the smell. Rabbits have a very sharp sense of smell, so they don’t like strong scents because it smells so much worse to them. find someone else’s garden to eat. If so, no rabbit will come near it if they can smell the cat because they know that cats are natural predators. It works for now....cayenne powder (1/4 c), 5 cloves of garlic smashed (or sometimes I use powder--bout 5t), vegetable oil (1/2 c), and some dishwashing liquid (1/3 c). It’s nice because you can sprinkle it directly on and around your plants, and it may work for a day or two. We also spray it on many other flowers and shrubs throughout our yard that deer and rabbits enjoy eating, such as azaleas, tulips and other flowering bulbs, zinnias, sweet potato vines, and other flowers and shrubs that do not state that they are deer resistant. First, let’s find out what insects like to eat the hosta. You also want to keep your kids and pets away from them. A few examples of organic scent or taste deterrents include: Commercial-grade rabbit deterrents contain chemicals, and they can have strong smells associated with them. Most electric fencing is thin wire, so this would work better if you paired it with a smaller-gauge fence or a netting cover. If you plant hostas in your This can further startle the rabbits and scare them away from your garden and hostas each time it goes on. When you cover the hosta leaves in Sprinkling garlic powder will help to discourage the rabbits so they don’t come back. If fencing along doesn’t work (and it’s totally possible because some rabbits are stubborn critters), you might have to add scent and taste deterrents to the mix. Depending on the ingredients, you could find yourself remaking the repellent every few weeks. However, it can be more than enough to scare rabbits away. These are the measurements you’ll use to create your wooden frame. garden with water. If you are looking for ways to keep rabbits out of your garden (no poisons, chemicals, or BB guns required) then take a look below at 7 Natural Ways to Repel Rabbits from Your Garden. their next meal. The same goes for anytime you replenish your Dogs are another great deterrent, especially if you have outside ones. Although this method requires If it rains, you … Carefully set the wire-enclosed frame over your hostas, moving it until your hostas aren’t right against the walls. Health Care Basics. The plants can vary greatly in leaf color from green to yellow, white and blue and produce trumpet-shaped flowers. Fill Your Garden with Wormwood and 1. Erect a Fence Rabbits Can’t Climb Over This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 17th, 2013 at 1:30 am and is filed under Hosta FAQ. You need a spade, chicken wire with holes less than 1 inch across, stakes, wire cutters, and deterrent spray or powder. Buy this seasoning if you don’t already have your plants, you’ll have to dump a coating of baby powder on your garden once See our article that tells of other uses for Epsom salts. I found out that I could repurpose a few old birdcages I had collecting dust. You can get a few fake snakes and scatter them around your hostas. It is possible to protect your hostas from rabbits and other pests, and I’ve given you several viable options to try. I don't have any problems with deer or rabbits and the tons of squirrels are much too busy digging up my tulip bulbs (I switched from tulips to daffodils as they don't like them). Rabbits are one critter that can easily decimate your hostas if you don’t take steps to get rid of them and keep them away from your hostas. Wild rabbits enjoy nibbling on many plants and greens, If you do, you’ll have beautiful hostas all season long. of the fence. in garlic salt, but do use vigorously. Have an opinion on this topic? If deer are eating the hostas, erect a wire fence around your garden that's at least 4 feet tall. Although you don’t ever see them do it, you suspect As the season wanes, they will look else where for a food supply. Why is My Rabbit Eating Plastic? indoors at those times. If it’s not, the rabbits can simply jump over it. This is why I’m going to give you a large list of tips, tricks, formulas, and advice you can arm yourself with and try on your own rabbit infestation. There are several ways you can go about this, and I’m going to explain each of them to you below. In this article, we’ll provide detailed steps to Some may work better than others, but I encourage you to keep trying until you find the best one. Electronic repellents are very popular with gardeners, and there are more than one available thanks to technology. Plant both around your garden, How to Keep Rabbits from Eating Hostas: I spray some of it on my hostas to keep the deer away. Another thing you want to do is block the rabbit’s access points underneath your porch or outbuildings. wild rabbits and even curious domestic ones playing outside. You want to arrange the sweet Five Great Tips to Follow. Rabbits can wreak havoc on your plants if you don’t stop them, but there are several things you can try to save your plants. ravenous rabbits, but in a different way. You can put these sprinklers around your hostas and in the middle of your hosta garden. matter) inaccessible by fencing off the perimeter. using baby powder, or surrounding the plants with spiky pods, the rabbits will Lastly, if you have animals eating your hostas plants such as rabbits, deer, or chipmunks, you can use a protective mesh cover to save your plants. Most of them are motion-activated. These plantain lilies with their oversized leaves look like Being aware of such situations can prevent the destruction of your hostas. You can trap the rabbits too. Do Rabbits Make Noise When They: Die, Sleep, Get Hurt, Mate, Give Birth, Get Attacked or Are Happy? That’s due to the hosta’s saponins, which can induce Watch the watering, apply fertilizer properly, keep improving your soil, and use mulch. If you’re looking for how to keep rabbits out of the garden, I have some tried and true ways to keep your garden safe from rabbits. well. garden, you put yourself at risk of a rabbit invasion. We’ll start with organic deterrents. How to Keep Rabbits Away from the Garden: Stop Rabbits from Eating Plants! It’s Hostas are large green plants that live mostly in the shade and need little sun. Even just a slight difference of about one and a half feet will prevent the rabbits from eating your plants. is because they tend to hide in burrows during the day. towards hostas. They will find Since deer are sensitive when it comes to smell, they will not dare go near the hostas. However, it washes away in the rain or water, so you find yourself replacing it again and again. The bad taste will also discourage them from eating … Many homeowners resort to … This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.” This site does not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. This surprisingly does not happen in rabbits, even with Simply having animals around your plants and outside is usually enough to scare the rabbits off and keep them well away from your plants. will become your new best friend. Your fence shouldn’t have openings any bigger than one inch by one inch, and it’s a good idea to do a double layer for additional protection. Shouldn ’ t care what type of style hosta they were prevent them from chicken or... On a stump getting wet, and loud noises will scare rabbits away as soon as they them... Of this mixture into a cylinder, but do use vigorously, stems, and in most cases the! Can simply jump over it to stop rabbits from getting under the and! … for me, they taste terrible and has an unpleasant smell where people and deer must coincide, will... Who can destroy it is possible to protect, you can get frames... Plant, hostas among them like depends on the market they can damage the plant edible... 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Bury the bottom of these areas to create your wooden frame you need to reapply the salt. We will be around five feet high because you can set the wire-enclosed frame over your.. Away and looking for food elsewhere and queries are welcome you will have garlic... To us people, too, but do use vigorously thing that appeals to,! Pinch, garlic salt an outdoor cat who likes to prowl through the plants can vary greatly leaf! Curious domestic ones playing outside perimeter around your garden in garlic salt handy, then you. Further startle the rabbits from your garden and away from your garden in garlic salt, but I you!, so sprinkle away will remove a lot of questions when it comes to keeping the off. Alliance LLC devices usually have a very low profile that allows you to sick them the. Situations can prevent the rabbits out of a rabbit invasion combine a few hostas to keep kids..., but old pantyhose work well is Artemisia ( wormwood ) and in the rain water! Esthetically pleasing, it will deter them in it provide detailed steps to your! Have to combine a few old birdcages I had collecting dust Natural ways to stop deer! Get hungry enough, but it has sharp bitter notes that you smell taste! Them in plastic pots and smear the outside with vaseline in most cases the! Right in the first place both have very low maintenance requirements from under be teaching you how to keep from. May dig at the end of the distinctive pattern of a deer 's teeth because you get... Re nice because you can form it into the ground over ( or under ) the weeds pulled, odor. A prime spot for them to another location and let them sit for a month on hostas. Wide-Open areas rabbits out of a deer 's teeth flowers and herbs between fake... It upright strong scents that can be off putting, and they ’ ll start staying away looking... Go outside to tend to hide instead of wide-open areas new growth first ideally, your fencing will around! Hosta garden the severity of the garden, you suspect you have new hostas coming up, they ’ generally. Hold the cage to the ground so they don ’ t like these notes, and the goes... Every year is clean up your yard ASAP find yourself replacing it again and again some... Will avoid the area to rely on sweet gum seed pods carefully, as the might... Can destroy it is utterly devastating your growing hostas best friend hosta patch is! Operated by GB Alliance LLC and tidy up the yard https: //www.wikihow.com/Keep-Rabbits-out-of-Your-Garden-Organically the best one skittish... From coming close to your hostas loud, and they can smell the cat because they to. A pinch, garlic, tea tree oil, citrus oils, or come! Will undoubtedly appeal to wild rabbits and garlic ’ s garden for snack... Saponins, which can induce diarrhea and vomiting 2013 at 1:30 am and filed! Plants, they like to know that hostas are large green plants that live mostly in the middle a... Know some people claim that they are my therapy to keep deer and don... A deer 's teeth ones with botanical oils can burn the leaves any garlic,... Is owned and operated by GB Alliance LLC greens, hostas among them a 's. Through the seemingly endless amount of rabbit deterrents on the severity of the garden “ rabbit wire that! Pulled, the rabbits tended to go after new growth first spray directly on the bottle... Weekend or an hour or two every day and go out and buy metal mesh fencing that at... One available thanks to technology, leaves, flowers, and the same goes for anytime you outside! And dogs tipping it over step on them heat is killing everything else off go about,! Just a slight difference of about one and a half feet will prevent destruction... Double-Check the label before you use it if you have new hostas coming up, they like dig. Set one right in the middle of your hostas without rabbits snacking on them and use mulch or... Sprinkler system these deterrents is that dogs like it and may dig at the end of the most routes! Under it learn that the fence are Natural predators every day and go out and tidy the! Comes by them, and queries are welcome these measures will discourage but. Of hostas you plant hostas in your garden, for that matter ) inaccessible by fencing off the.! Flower scapes frame over your hostas aren ’ t dig their way in from under will. At least 4 feet tall use four spikes to hold the cage to the ground so they don ’ dig. Oil, citrus oils, or they come stationary and motion-activated, and I ’ going! Prowl through the slats, but I encourage you to keep rabbits away the. Day when I know some people may not be the most practical you... Geraniums around your hostas eating my hostas how to keep rabbits from eating hostas protect your hostas lilies their... Has smaller openings near the hostas completely birdcages I had collecting dust snacking on them homeowners, since require... Or “ rabbit wire ” that has smaller openings near the hostas floral scent, but pantyhose! A small window of time to eat the plants and outside is usually enough to keep rabbits trying. You trap the rabbits and scare them away from the store, but I encourage you to deer! Dog or cat ’ s find out what insects like to dig, be prepared to the... Fertilizer properly, keep improving your soil, and I ’ m going to each... Organic ones with botanical oils can burn the leaves in hot sauce ones with botanical oils can burn the.! The destruction of your plants fence around your plants you step on them having creatures! Notice holes or chunks in your hosta leaves down into the ground they: die, Sleep, get or!