It also provides extra nutrients to your plants as well as insulation for winter. My girls won’t go in anything but clay litter. A 2-inch layer of fresh mulch spread over your garden will do the job just fine. Also, some organic mulch like compost attracts bugs and rodents. Since I've been using the cocoa mulch there, I only need to water once a week, even in a hot dry summer, and my plants do well.I've read that about dogs also. Cocoa beans, harvested from the tropical cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao), contain theobromine, a product related to caffeine that humans assimilate very well, but that dogs and cats can’t metabolize. This Cocoa Shell Mulch is derived from the shell of the cocoa bean. Cedar and cypress woods last long as they are resistant to decay. Their little pseudopods don't like the sharp edges. However, it will dispell snails though. I've been using cocoa bean mulch for several years now and I haven't had a problem with ants or rodents. Cocoa bean shell mulch deters insects. I like this because it decomposes faster than wood does. Plastic mulches are made from polyethylene and appear in aluminum-coated transparent sheets. It is a no-brainer to use a mulch to control weeds. I loved that smell. I used it in zone 9 and it didn't attract critters of any kind. As we have learned above, organic mulches provide an ideal condition for bugs and rodents to breed in because of their decomposition abilities. Basically, they work as little natural fertilizers. You don't want to use it if you have a dog though, some like it and it's dangerous to them. Shipping Dimensions: 36.00 H x 23.00 W x 4.25 D. No biologic body will stay inert, so get that idea out of your head. For some more information on mulch you can check out our website at Mulch is actually lower maintenance than stone. Because of this, cedar isn’t as effective in returning nutrients to the soil as other forms of mulch. But roaches exploit this, building their nests in mulch, infesting your yard and gradually taking over your home. Sometimes cockroaches and rodents are attracted as well. Yes, mulching is amazing for adding organic nutrients to the soil and for weed control, but it can be bad if rodents are an issue. Just like grass clippings or straw, bark mulch is, unfortunately, a paradise for snails; they can hide and lay their eggs underneath it. As a result, organic mulches require constant replacement as they decompose. 5 Things You Could Be Doing That Attract Termites. I like the look of it more than other mulches also. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. LOL! There’s a ground cover here for you, Not all pet dangers are obvious. Mulches provide humid habitat because of their moisture retention abilities. Dr. McMichael cautions that, “it is possible that dogs are not attracted to it once the smell wears off but that does not eliminate its toxic load—it is still toxic.” Thanks everyone,getting ready to use it down here in Houston..Hope it does well, Before you go making a mountain out of a mulch hill, learn the facts about what your plants and soil really want, There's more to topdressing than shredded wood. Does anyone know if cocoa bean mulch attracts rodents (i.e., rats)? So, does mulch attract bugs? I used it in zone 9 and it didn't attract critters of any kind. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.. We also participate in various other affiliate programs; we sometimes receive some commission on purchases made through our site. When organic mulch is placed too close to your house, it can provide pests with hidden opportunities to make their way into your home. Landfills, where stuff gets buried and is prevented from contact with oxygen in the environment, is where a lot of methane is produced. Would walk out onto my porch and get hit with that chocolate smell. Some insects attracted by organic mulches include snow bugs, termites, pillbugs, earwigs, centipedes, millipedes, and some ants. To keep bugs and rodents away from your home and garden while using mulches, ensure to heed to the helpful tips shared above and have yourself a bug-free zone. Read Also: Best Mulch for Trees and Shrubs. Garden rodents might be cute, but they’re a big problem. I just stir it a little. Hazelnut shell mulch provides a number of benefits. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Organic mulches attract more bugs and rodents than inorganic mulches. This mulch doesn’t absorb water as regular mulch does. If you like the smell of chocolate this is the mulch for you! What Is the Best Fertilizer for Geraniums? It is regularly recommended by gardening presenters on radio and television, and also by feature writers for gardening books and magazines. Most people know that chocolate is toxic to dogs. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Additionally, straw mulches protect your plants from the spread of fungus and other diseases that cause plant rot. Stacy, most of the mold I get is in the shady areas. LOL! When laying mulch near your house, keep at least 6 inches of exposed soil between the house foundation and the mulch to create a drier environment against the home and make it less enticing to bugs and rodents. To keep bugs and rodents away from your yard, you should ensure to remove old mulch from the previous year before spreading a new layer. Learn about mulch types, costs and design considerations here, Protect your soil from weeds and drought this summer with a living mulch of ground covers, Termites hate wood mulch, don’t amend soil for trees, avoid gravel in planters — and more nuggets of garden wisdom, Sun beating down on your sandy gravel? There are just two types or forms of mulch, which include: Organic mulches are derived from natural sources such as leaves, tree barks, straw, nutshells, wood chips, pine needles, composts, etc. While smelling heavenly, cocoa bean shell mulch should not be used around dogs because accidental ingestion could cause symptoms similar to chocolate poisoning, including vomiting and diarrhea. :) I haven't noticed any mice, but am not going to use it any more because it gets moldy in shady areas and doesn't look very nice. It should be applied much thinner than most mulches. What attracts termites? I know it’s time when I hear them spending extra time scratching around in the box. We have a mulch calculator and a lot of good information about best practices when it comes to using mulch in a landscaping situation. I do love chocolate, but my nose just doesn't pick up that scent! Using the 2-3xs per week frequency most weeks means if they have a full week with no cleanings, they still use the box and don’t rebel against me if I have to go out of town for a week! This is a question that has been asked countless times by concerned gardeners. on leaves and trunk of large, old magnolia tree - Help! I used it specifically around my roses and used a different mulch for the rest of my beds... Don't know, but someone told me it attracts ants. Made me laugh because I was imagining my neighbors were thinking that I was actually BAKING! I know there’s some hazards when I comes to the dust, but Since that’s all they will use, I feel like it’s out only option. Luckily for me, it doesn't last long.I do turn mine back into the garden the next year. I see in the pictures that you have a dog, so I'd recommend that you stay away from cocoa mulch. Cocoa Mulch is also known as ‘Cocoa Bean Mulch’ or ‘Cocoa Shell Mulch’ and is used as a mulch in home gardens in some countries. A 2-inch layer of fresh. I have been using cocoa shell mulch for years and love it. Mulch has proven over time to be effective against weed, to retain moisture and maintain a constant temperature for soil. Straw and cocoa bean shell mulch are effective in keeping bugs like cucumber beetles from squash and cucumber plants. So while producing reflections, plastic mulch blinds and confuses insects, which make them keep off gardens and ornamental plants. Does not attract insects; Dark color is unphased by the bleaching sun; Insulates roots from extreme temperatures; Environmentally friendly recycled product … VitaSoil@Grafton, Wisconsin From VitaSoil® Cocoa Shell Mulch Gardeners everywhere are quickly discovering the many added benefits of using cocoa shell mulch over other ground covers. Cedar or cypress trees repel and kill insects such as termites, carpet beetles, cockroaches, termites, and cloth eating moths. Organic mulches are beneficial over inorganic mulches because they increase the moisture content of the soil by slowing down the evaporation rate. Just moved from Chicago suburb after gardening there for 30 years. Depriving that old banana peel of oxygen in the landfill allows it to decompose in an anerobic environment, thereby producing vastly more methane. But if you (or your municipality) composts properly, turning the decomposing material frequently to allow proper exposure to air and making sure it doesn't dry out, then only a very minimal amount of methane is produced or released. Inorganic mulches are usually used for aesthetic landscaping. Although cedar mulch breaks down and is organic, it takes longer to break down than alternative bark mulches or wood mulches. "We don't compost because the process puts the maximum amount of METHANE into the air." No, it doesn't......well, not if you do it properly. A ground cover would also be nice and relatively easy. Why Are Cockroaches Attracted To Mulch? Their little pseudopods don't like the sharp edges. But using hazelnut shell mulch does … Cocoa shell mulch has many benefits for savvy gardeners, but a … Yes, when it is humid for a few days it gets moldy, but as soon as the weather dries, the mold disappears. I didn't have a problem with mold. As a result, they are less likely to attract above-ground pests, but their ability to provide insulation to the soil can establish a safe space for pests that breed below-ground such as termites. After time, the sweet smell of the cocoa mulch will wear off, and some have questioned if, after that point, it is safe for dogs to be around it. It is a byproduct of the manufacture of cocoa powder and other chocolate products. Inorganic mulches that are of natural sources include crushed volcanic rock, pebbles stone, and gravel. This Cocoa Shell Mulch is derived from the shell of the cocoa bean. However, it will dispell snails though. Straw mulch also, How to Apply Mulch Without Attracting Bugs and Rodents, Do not fall for the idea that a massive pile of mulch makes much difference. ASTM F-3012 CERTIFIED It will not blow away or wash away in storms Reduces bug and rodent infestation and does not attract ants Will not decompose or compress Weather-friendly, never freezes Always dry and ready to play almost immediately after even the heaviest rain Rainproof, does not retain moisture, slipperiness or dirt Our Cocoa Brown Rubber Mulch is 99.9% steel free Delivery curbside … The vaste majority of the product is used as a garden mulch, although some gardeners dig it into sandy or clay soils as it is excellent at moisture retention and breaking up heavy soils. Chipmunks love it. ulches attract bugs and rodents because of the ideal condition created by the organic component of the mulches. On the other hand, cocoa bean shell much repels bugs by emitting chocolate scent around the landscape. Cocoa Mulch, which is sold by Home Depot, Foreman’s Garden Supply and other Garden supply stores, contains a lethal ingredient called “Theobromine”. Aside from that, mulches also offer relief from adverse weather temperature to pests. Cocoa shell mulch is spread on flower beds and borders to retain moisture and suppress weeds. Calluna in containers--how should I overwinter. It can get moldy, but then I stir it a little. Cedar mulch does discourage insects from moving in, but remember that not all insects are harmful. There follows a list of potential snail- and slug-repelling mulch materials. ). Straw keeps insects from laying eggs in your garden. Cocoa shell mulch encourages earthworms to hang around (or really, under) your garden. I wish it didn't lose its delicious smell so quickly though. It is dark brown in color and very lightweight. Dog owners need to beware when using cocoa shell mulch that the shells do contain varying amounts of two compounds that are toxic to dogs: caffeine and theobromine. I clean them y2 to 3 times per week. Control the amount of cocoa bean shell used, as too much of it, makes dogs sick. Some insects attracted by organic mulches include snow bugs, termites, pillbugs, earwigs, centipedes, millipedes, and some ants. The cocoa smell goes away after a bit, but each new spring, I put down a layer of topsoil over the cocoa shell mulch and then put a new layer of the cocoa shell mulch. Advantages. If you have dogs, or if there are dogs in your neighborhood who might get into your backyard, you really shouldn't use cocoa shell mulch. Organic mulches are beneficial over inorganic mulches because they increase the, Some insects attracted by organic mulches include, Straw and cocoa bean shell mulch are effective in keeping bugs like, Straw mulch singly keeps bugs from laying eggs and replicating in gardens. To recap, mulches attract bugs and rodents because of the ideal condition created by the organic component of the mulches. All necessary for Pest Control ----- Does Cocoa Bean Mulch Attract Termites?. It is dark brown in color and very lightweight. Cocoa mulch, cocoa shell mulch, cocoa bean shell mulch, and cocoa bean hull mulch is the shell of the cocoa bean. It seems to just draw them in, begging them to make a … I wouldn't use them. Cockle Shell Mulch Consists of: Whole Cockle Shell Mulch from the Shellfish Industry. As for the smell, I really don't care for it. Dimensions: 2.0 cubic foot bag. I'm enclosing a photo of the result—with the mousy bedding still in place. Click to see full answer Just so, how long does cocoa shell mulch last? Therefore these ideal living conditions provided by mulch make it an attractive place of abode for pests and rodents. Read Also: How to Get Rid of Overgrown Bushes. It's hard to prevent a home termite infestation if you don't know what draws them to your property. The only time I ever had a time with it molding was when I put down some bags that already had some mold in it and it spread. I have 2 boxes for 2 cats. Cockle Shell Mulch is becoming increasingly popular not only for decorative purposes in garden and landscaping projects but also for use as a drainage layer for 'Green Roof' projects. It isn't available everywhere, but it's attractive due to its soft/dark brown color and it's smell, but it's possible that it can be harmful to dogs (similar to chocolate). Organic mulches are usually the culprits in such cases. Cocoa Mulch is a by-product of the chocolate making industry. Though mulch rodent problems can be extremely frustrating, there are some solutions. That is as a result of their abilities to decompose to feed the soil underneath them. However, they help resist weeds, retain moisture, preventing soil erosion, and providing insulation to regulate soil temperature and moisture. To keep termites and other bugs away from your yard, spread cypress or cedar mulch around your landscape. I am now looking to spread the net wider, to anyone who works at Birchwood Park (or knows someone who does). Does mulch? There’s so much less waste and the smell doesn’t linger like it does when feeding the cheap stuff. Then I just add a little more, you don't need a lot. Has a nice dark brown color that lasts. They can get sick if they eat it. Wonder if it would do that to rodents? COCOA SHELL MULCH is the shells from cocoa beans. Hopefully this all helps with the mulch part of your project! Cocoa Shell Mulch is the market leader in the decorative weed suppressing mulch market. That is because while doing its noble job of weed resistance and moisture retention, mulch also provides a safe haven for pests to breed and live in. I believe chocolate is on the no-no list for many animals. Inorganic mulches stand the test of time because they do not decompose nor decay. However, compost mulches, which are types of organic mulches, also attract bugs and rodents. Following is information about the different forms of mulch, why some can be a problem, and how to prevent that. Credit Club. Does cocoa bean shell mulch attract bugs? I know a lot of people say you should clean 1-2xs per day, but I need my girls to tolerate a dirty box when I have to leave town for work. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The mulch is lightweight, easy to apply, long-lasting, attractive and discourages growth of weeds. They’re always happy when I get home and give the boxes a good cleaning, but never avoid the box because it’s in need of a clean! It is a very good conditioner for your soil. Insects and rodents like every other living thing, are in continuous search for greener pastures that would provide them with resources such as food, water, and shelter. Â. Interestingly, mulches provide these resources at a time. I may smell them for a few minutes after they use the box, but I’ve found the key to keeping the smell away is feeding them a very high quality food. Straw mulch also protects plants from fungus and other conditions that cause plants to rot. Many developers favor cocoa shells as a landscaping mulch on new sites. They fill their mouth with it like a little pouch and carry it away to store for winter. Having gone through the different types of mulches that attract bugs and rodents, let’s now look at how to apply mulch without attracting bugs: Do not fall for the idea that a massive pile of mulch makes much difference. Q. Dear Mike: The previous owner of our property protected a beautiful row of ornamental cherry trees with leftover black plastic nursery pots he carefully trimmed to fit around the base of each tree. They look nice, smell nice, but also attract ants. Cockle Shells generally appear cream with light brown stripes which fade over time. Mulch can be a very effective way of controlling weeds, but organic forms of mulch also can be ideal places for pests to live and breed. But it's not a problem to me. However, before using inorganic mulches for landscaping, you should grade the ground away from the foundation of the house. If you do cocoa shells your entry will smell like chocolate. It's harder to separate falling leaves from stone than it is to just leave the leaves and throw on a bit more mulch. That would ensure that water would run off away from the building instead of toward it. You want these critters in your soil because they aerate the soil and release nutrients into it. Oftentimes, homeowners make a concerted effort to complete seasonal projects around the home to prevent pests from coming inside. Going with something natural like a hardwood blend or bark mulch will probably be your best bet. Do pine cones? Both mulch and leaves will break down to replenish the soil. Cocoa Mulch is manufactured by Hershey's, ... Its not the brand that is making it toxic its the actual cocoa shell mulch. Thick shade darkening your clay soil? Keeping mice out of mulch is a very difficult task, especially as the weather begins to cool in the fall. Termites stay away from cypress heartwood but not cypress sapwood because cypress heartwood, when ingested, kills them. But does mulch attract bugs and rodents? Best Pruning Blades For Reciprocating Saw, Difference Between Primary And Secondary Growth. We were in an area that had an over-abundance of field mice in the fall. Source: me’nthedogs Skip The Mulch. I was completely blown away by the smell the first time I used it. You should avoid these materials if slugs and snails are a problem. I also can get easily blown around by lawn mowers etc. It contains a … Inorganic mulches are made from either natural or artificial sources. Cocoa Shell is a superb garden mulch and soil conditioner. Like most types of mulch, cocoa mulch has its advatntages and disadvantages. As well as enhancing the aesthetic of your garden, sprinkling it with a pleasant, dark brown hue, cocoa bean shell mulch repels insects, since they hate the chocolate fragrance emitted by the shells – so termites and slugs will be sure to give your garden a miss. For me it's great on keeping the soil moist. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The caffeine in the shells can cause tachycardia in them. Good luck with your fur babies! I also had many terriers over the years and the mulch did not attract them. The mulch itself won’t attract bugs, pests, or rodents, but will provide shelter for them if they’re already present in your garden or backyard. … I'd take the stone out and just do mulch. Mulch makes your yard more appealing and protects the soil from weeds and erosion. They also provide limitless hiding spaces for these pests away from their predators. If you have any questions feel free to let us know! And the organic mulches provide food for a wide variety of pests, bugs, and rodents when they decompose in the soil. Learn how your comment data is processed. These pet-friendly landscape and garden ideas will keep your pooch safe, happy and well exercised outdoors, Bar and Counter Stools With Free Shipping, New Ways to Think About All That Mulch in the Garden, How to Pick a Mulch — and Why Your Soil Wants It, Ground Force: 10 Top Ground Covers for Your Garden, Garden Myths to Debunk as You Dig This Fall and Rest Over Winter, 6 Native Ground Covers for Tough, Dry Spots, Pet-Proofing Your Home: A Room-by-Room Guide, 6 Ways to Help Your Dog and Landscape Play Nicely Together, Common Myths That May Be Hurting Your Garden. The sweet smell of the cocoa mulch is attractive to curious dogs and could be potentially dangerous. Similarly, cocoa bean mulch also contains the toxin called theobromine. The cocoa mulch did not attract them. You don't want to use it if you have a dog though, some like it and it's dangerous to them. Black soot (?) Some bugs are actually beneficial for your organic mulch because they help it decompose to release nutrients into the soil. That is because some of the products of its decomposition are beneficial for the breeding and growth of these unwanted bugs and rodents. Feel free to use them in an ideabook. When spread as a ‘MULCH’ over borders in the garden, the shell mats together and serves to keep in moisture, helping keep plants alive in any dry spells (we should be so lucky!! This 2-inch layer of fresh mulch also looks as beautiful as a massive pile of mulch. They also help improve the quality and fertility of the soil as the mulch components decompose. Organic mulches are short-lived. It is a very good conditioner for your soil. Readily available where I live as we have 3 major chocolate companies within 15 miles of me, Hershey, Mars, and Wilbur (con-scrap, I think.) Mulches attract pests because of the resources they offer them. © 2020 Gardening Bank | All rights reserved. Keep furry friends safe and sound by handling all of these potential hazards, Keep your prized plantings intact and your dog happy too, with this wisdom from an expert gardener and dog guardian, Prep your house and yard for cold weather with this list of things to do in an hour or over a weekend, Discover the truth about fertilizer, soil, staking and more to keep your plants healthy and happy, Cue the joyous soundtrack. The caffeine in the shells can cause tachycardia in them. While many growers use these resources to prevent weed growth or to regulate moisture, the mulch also provides protection for undesirable rodents. Chocolate, for example, is toxic to both animals, as are other products derived from cocoa beans, including cocoa mulch, also called cocoa shell mulch. Ugh. Cocoa hulls are the shells of cocoa beans, hence chocolate. Since we only eat cocoa beans, the shells are turned into mulch. There are several that you can just sprinkle from seed and they will reseed themselves in a warm climate (assuming you are in one since you have that sago palm). I have used it for years and have never had problems with rodents or ants. It will keep weeds away and retain moisture without attracting a large number of bugs and rodents. Cypress and cedar trees contain chemicals and oil like thujone, which repels insects. 2 to 3 weeks . One may also ask, what does cocoa mulch look like? Inorganic mulches do not have the ability to decompose into nutrients for the surrounding soil and plant; hence they do not improve the quality of soil and plants nearby. That is because some of the products of its decomposition are beneficial for the breeding and growth of these unwanted bugs and rodents. Sometimes cockroaches and rodents are attracted as well. ... Find cheap pick-up only items near you - they often attract fewer bids. I think it looks more formal then other mulches. Does Mulch Attract Roaches? This type of mulch helps control bugs because they reflect the sunlight. While the inorganic mulches that are of artificial sources such as plastic, solid sheets of fabric ground or pulverized tires. The following are mulches that are pest resistant: Cedar or cypress tree is used to make a chip or bark mulch. For some mulch ideas you can check out some of our mulch types here on Houzz. Plastic mulches keep bugs like whiteflies, aphids, and leafhoppers away from gardens. Turbo boost your credit chances and get your free Experian credit report. While most mulch is non-toxic, there are some that can cause a problem to our pets. Reduces bug and rodent infestation and does not attract ants; Will not decompose or compress; Weather-friendly, never freezes; Always dry and ready to play almost immediately after even the heaviest rain; Rainproof, does not retain moisture, slipperiness or dirt; Our Cocoa Brown Rubber Mulch … Although organic mulches decompose to nourish the soil and plant around it, this beneficial characteristic of it makes it a safe space for pests, bugs, and rodents. Hope this helps. Straw mulch singly keeps bugs from laying eggs and replicating in gardens. Discussed below are the different types of mulch, the types of mulch that attract bugs and rodents, and means by which these problems can be prevented. I have one garden that is in dry shade. Not good for a dog though! Landscape Plan for Back Yard (Pictures in link inside). Wonder if it would do that to rodents? Chip or bark mulches are pest-resistant mulches; they repel bugs and rodents because of the natural chemical content. 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We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website at http: for!, before using inorganic mulches stand the test of time because they help resist,.